Tuesday, April 10, 2007


The Great Meadows Conservation Trust Blogspot will be a great place for us to share our bird data gathering expertise as we begin to gather bird observation data and enter the data into eBird.


JGourley said...

Meeting today (4/11, 4:30pm) at Trinity College to discuss data structure for Great Meadows GIS. Jim has circualted an email with very good directions. If anyone has questions please don't hesitate to call me at 860-297-4128.

-Jon Gourley

Larry said...

-This sounds like a good idea.-I've been keeping a personal blog for a few months now but discovered that there were no other Connecticut birding blogs.-Now there is.-Larry

Jim said...

Jon is going to create some field maps that we'll be able to use to mark observation spots in the field.
They will be in pdf format, printable on 8.5 by 11, and accessible from Jon's Trinity website and our GMCT website.

JGourley said...

THe field maps that Jim mentioned in the last post are now on-line. You can access them here:


There certainly can be room for improvement so don't hesitate to drop me a line with any suggestions.


JGourley said...

I have just updated the map files and have included a South Glastonbury map. The high resolution maps are now available for download on my website.
